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Programs Offered By HappyPaws

Spay or Neutering Services for the Low Income

One of our major goals is to spay and neuter as many pets as possible, particularly those that are owned by people who have low incomes. We also provide free veterinary care for people on SSI, welfare, or the like, as funding allows.

Assisting the Terminally Ill

Our staff works with hospice and other agencies to locate people who are terminally ill and who have pets. We visit the home, bring the person's dog to our sanctuary for a short visit each week, and work to get the dog adopted before its owner leaves us. When adopted, the adoptee agrees to take the pet to the original home for visits, or one of our volunteers will do this, for as long as is needed. We need volunteers to work with individual situations and donations for vet bills and food.

Surrendering of Pets

We understand that occasionally it become necessary to find another home for a pet. In such cases, the Humane Society is willing to place the pet's picture and a write-up on your pet on our online adoption sanctuary. The pet would still stay in its current home, but as people show interest, you would be asked to bring your pet to our sanctuary in Arlington for viewing, or in some cases they would be directed to your home.

The photo of your pet would need to be in .jpg format and sent to


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